Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Japan Nuclear Leak

 Japan had a major Nuclear power plant leak about 2 years ago caused by a damaging earthquake. Japanese officials acknowledge that nuclear waste has been flowing into the pacific ocean for the last two years.  Japan is really hoping for some overseas help which would be a good idea because the radioactive leak could potentially spread to our shore.

The flow started at spilling about 300 tons a day.  The biggest health concern is the leak infecting the fish near the area.

Right now to treat this they have treated water in the tanks to remove cesium which is one of the more harmful radioactive elements.  The Japanese government will be funding the building of an ice wall to prevent the spreading of toxic materials to the pure waters.

This was a technological hazard because it was caused by human technologies.  There is nothing we can do to prevent an Earthquake but they could have taken measures to prevent this amount of damage.  Nuclear power has some harsh effects when mistakes are made which is why it's always good to be extra cautious.  Clearly Japan didn't go above and beyond while trying to keep the ocean safe from their radioactive chemicals.  Knowing that Japan is prone to Earthquakes they could have taken better procaution and built up this area better and away from water.

Graphic showing how the storage tank leaked



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